Speech and Language Therapy
Speech refers to the sounds that come out of our mouths. When these sounds are put together they form words.
Language refers to the content of what is spoken, read, heard, written, or understood.
Language can be gestural through body language and sign language. There are two areas of language; receptive and expressive. Receptive language is the ability to understand spoken speech, gestures and/or sign language. Expressive language is the ability to create and express a spoken message that others can understand. Children often have difficulty with both receptive and expressive language skills. They may also have weak listening skills. Listening skills are critical for receiving and developing language as well as for learning.
Developmental Delays
Cognitive Delays
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Social Skills / Pragmatic Deficits
Receptive Language Delays/Disorders
Expressive Language Delays/Disorders
Articulation Disorders
Phonological Disorders
Apraxia of Speech / Motor Speech Disorders
Feeding / Swallowing Disorders
Oral-Motor Disorders
Tongue Thrust
Fluency Disorders (Stuttering)
Voice Disorders
Hearing Impairments
Language-Based Reading Disorders
Written Language Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Auditory Processing Disorders
Sensory-Motor Disorders
trouble following directions
unintelligible speech and/or difficult for others to understand
trouble expressing his/her ideas and asking or answering questions
has sound hesitations, prolongations, or sound repetitions (stutters)
has been teased about their speech
shown frustration with his or her speech
poor listening skills
made few attempts at speech by 18 months
limited two word combinations by 2 years of age
often been unable to think of the right word